Padstow Bouquet


The Padstow bouquet combines joyful shades of yellow alongside a sensitive collection of cream & peach roses, yellow spray roses & softly scented white freesias. Our expert London florists have also added seasonal foliage varieties to create a bouquet which has an organic sense of movement and texture; perfect for sending to any friend. Wrapped in fully sustainable, 100% plastic-free packaging using our signature style.

This fresh flower bouquet is a Sumptuous size and features 50 fabulous stems.

Should a flower pictured be unavailable for any reason, we will substitute this for a flower of the same value and quality in a similar style and colour so as to maintain the overall appearance of the bouquet. Please note, as with all natural products there may be slight variations in colour from the image shown.

If you have specific requirements for your luxury bouquet, please call us to let us know. When you receive your flowers, we recommend unpacking the bouquet, cutting the stems and displaying them in fresh water, in a cool room. For more information, please refer to our care instructions.

If you would like to design a unique bouquet or have specific flowers that you would like to include in your gift, visit our create-your-own bouquet platform. Here, you can create the perfect luxury gift bouquet, your way. It’s hyper-personalisation at its finest.

styled by you We love to see how you style your favourites from bloom. Keep sharing photos of how you style our flowers and vases with @bybloomuk and #lovebloom for a chance to be featured at or in our marketing materials.